Kant.P. 2011
Forest Carbon Management in India:
A Framework of Policies and Trade Strategies, Lap
Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany (ISBN 978-3-8433-7472-9)
Forests are at once both the single most important source and the sink of carbon dioxide. Forest Carbon Management implies managing forests sustainably for increased carbon sequestration, longer storage and reduced release of carbon dioxide, and efficient transfer of carbon benefits to the stakeholders, consistent with the requirements of biodiversity conservation and the protection of the rights of the indigenous people. It can become reality only with enabling national and provincial policies. The framework for policies and trade strategies proposed in this book would help fulfil obligations under the UNFCCC, lead to significant increase in public and private investment in tree growing, make the rights of tribal and other communities on forests economically meaningful and contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of bio-diversity while ensuring the international credibility of India’s carbon sequestration and storage certification process.

FAO, Working Paper 7, 2010
Forests and Climate Change in Asia Pacific Region
This publication is one of a series of publications produced by the Forests and Climate Change Programme of FAO in an effort to strengthen countries’ capacities to mitigate and adapt to climate change through actions consistent with sustainable forest management. The primary objective of this study is to provide an overview of the actual and potential impact of climate change on forests and forest dependent people in the Asia-Pacific region, of climate change mitigation opportunities in the forestry sector, and of needs for effective national and regional responses. The study examines the major issues and developments related to climate change impacts and responses in the region as regards forests and highlights related opportunities for regional action to address gaps and needs.